Monday, May 3, 2010

What if? (11)

What if I didn't go to college? If I didn't go to college, I would have had to go straight into the work force. I would have to get a full time job. I would have to quit my job, because they wouldn't be able to pay me for full time. They need a part time girl. This would make it where they would have to hire someone else and train them. Summer time is really busy for our work, so it would be hard for them to train someone on top of keeping up with all the calls. So it would be a misfortune not only to me, but to them. I would have to find a job that would support me. Unemployment is at an all time high, so finding a job would be really tough. I would only have a high school education, so it would be even tougher to get a job. I would have to start from the bottom and work my way up. I would have to get my own place to live, because I am allowed to live at home until I get a full time job, so once I got one, I would have to move out. I would have to manage my money better than I do now. I'd have to make sure I had money for insurance, phone bill, apartment, gas, food, utilities, and all the other essentials. The hardest part about not going to school would be finding a job that would pay well enough to support myself. It would give me more responsibility, but then again, so does going to school. I actually feel like I am more responsible for taking control of my life and saying that I didn't want to be a bum for the rest of my life. School is essential in molding each and every human being into the person that they want to be. It has definitely molded me into the woman I want to be, and it will continue to shape me.

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