Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What if? (15)

What if we couldn't lie? What would the world be like? It would be one crazy place. =P. Now, even if it's not a big lie, people tell them. People can tell small lies or huge ones. Someone may say when they are late that they are 5 minutes from wherever when they are actually just leaving their house. Kids when they don't want to get in trouble for something they say they didn't do it. These are all lies. They get bigger when someone says they didn't kill someone and they did. Some people get so engulfed in their lies, they can't remember who they told this to and who they told that to. So what would the world be like if we couldn't lie? Would it be a lot harsher than it is now? When someone asks you if they look okay in an outfit and you say yes because you don't want to hurt their feelings, you are telling them a lie. So if we told them the truth, would we still have friends? You don't want to be mean to someone, but then again, you shouldn't want to lie to that person either. Would there be as many criminals on the streets? If they couldn't tell a lie, they would admit to the crime and be put in jail. This would be nice. It's like we would all be like Pinocchio. Well not even like Pinocchio, more like Jim Carey from the movie Liar Liar. Being physically unable to tell a lie. Maybe the world would be a better place? I think it would be good if people didn't lie, but even I have told a small lie. Everyone does it. I think people do it because they want to spare someone's feelings, or they don't want to fully commit to something in case something better comes along. We want everyone to be truthful and honest, but I don't believe the world would ever be this way.

Monday, May 3, 2010

What if? (14)

What if I were a dog? I would be a cute dog. (Only because I think all dogs are cute, especially when they are puppies!) How would I spend my day? Well if I were a house pet, I would hope that I had a family like our dogs do. Our dogs have the life. They don't do anything. They wake up, eat, sleep, play, sleep, wake up, eat, get love, sleep, get more love, and then the days over. They sleep where they want, they play when they want, they eat when they want. I mean that is the life! Their only worry is what they are going to do next. I would be able to play all the time, sleep most of the time, and get all the loving I could ask for. Dogs are a great part of my day, and if I were an animal, that is the animal I would choose to be. They cheer me up whenever I am down, and always make me smile. My dogs have the life! If I were a dog, I would want to be a big dog so I could defend myself. I'd probably want to be a Boxer like Bruno or a Chocolate Lab like Rolo. What if I weren't a dog, but I could be any animal? I don't know what I would choose. I love monkeys. They are so cute, and they play all the time. I also think it would be neat to be a lioness. I mean who doesn't want to be 'Queen' of the Jungle!? Being a Zebra would be cool, but I'd have to run better! If I weren't somewhere warm, I would pick to be a Penguin. They are the cutest animals ever! I definitely wouldn't be able to pick which animal to be, but it would be fun being an animal!

What if? (13)

What if life was like a musical? What if every time we had a great thought, we broke out into song? There are many great musicals such as Grease, The Phantom of the Opera, Fame, Rent, The Wizard of Oz, etc. Many Disney movies are even considered musicals. Movies like The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, and Tarzan. What if everything we said or learned was from a song? I think it'd be pretty cool as long as we weren't as corny as High School Musical! When we were sad, we could sing a sad song like "Beauty School Dropout" from Grease. When we are in love, we could sing "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" from the Lion King or "Hopelessly Devoted to You" from Grease. We could sing songs like "If I only had a Brain" from the Wizard of Oz when we say something stupid, or "If I only had a heart" when we said something mean. We could come up with songs as we were cooking or cleaning like some songs from Beauty and the Beast. This would make things more interesting and exciting. It would keep our mind going. I love music. It makes me happy, sad, angry, and all sorts of other emotions. Through music, we could show everything. It would be funny to watch if you weren't in it though. Everything could synchronize to our music, and we could break out into dances. The animals could dance with us like on Cinderella or Snow White. That would be pretty cool. It would be pretty neat to see everyone synchronized together and working together to make a great song. =P Musicals are really nice to watch if you like music. I loved Disney movies as a kid, and as I have gotten older, I have loved all the music movies. Even if they are musicals, but have wonderful music in them, I love them. Music is a big part of my life.

What if? (12)

What if there was less time in a day? Everyone says there is not enough time in each day, but what if we had half the amount of time in each day that we have now? If we only had 12 hours to get things done each day, I would be extra tired. But on the other hand, it would give me less time to procrastinate, because I don't have as long to get it done. So if there was less time, would that mean there would be more days? Would there be 14 days now instead of 7? Would daylight savings time still exist? Would we age faster if days went faster? The more you go into this, the more questions come up. If there were less time, I guess the weeks could be longer to account for the lost time of the days. I wouldn't think daylight savings time could still exist since you have less time for the sun to rise and set. I think it would suck if we aged faster. Yes, I want to get on with my life and job, but I don't want to wish it away. I want to live each and every day I have. It would be great to have a family, but I want to do some things before I have to fully grow up and have a family. I know it's all a growing process, but still. Would work days be shorter or would sleeping be shorter? Could we go on less sleep? I enjoy sleeping, but I wish I didn't require so much, so that I could get more accomplished. What if we had more time in each day? Would we get more accomplished, or would we procrastinate more? Some days feel so long that I just want them to end, and if days were longer, what would I do? I think if days were longer, it would just give me more time to procrastinate, which is not a good thing. So which would be better: more hours in a day or less hours in a day?

What if? (11)

What if I didn't go to college? If I didn't go to college, I would have had to go straight into the work force. I would have to get a full time job. I would have to quit my job, because they wouldn't be able to pay me for full time. They need a part time girl. This would make it where they would have to hire someone else and train them. Summer time is really busy for our work, so it would be hard for them to train someone on top of keeping up with all the calls. So it would be a misfortune not only to me, but to them. I would have to find a job that would support me. Unemployment is at an all time high, so finding a job would be really tough. I would only have a high school education, so it would be even tougher to get a job. I would have to start from the bottom and work my way up. I would have to get my own place to live, because I am allowed to live at home until I get a full time job, so once I got one, I would have to move out. I would have to manage my money better than I do now. I'd have to make sure I had money for insurance, phone bill, apartment, gas, food, utilities, and all the other essentials. The hardest part about not going to school would be finding a job that would pay well enough to support myself. It would give me more responsibility, but then again, so does going to school. I actually feel like I am more responsible for taking control of my life and saying that I didn't want to be a bum for the rest of my life. School is essential in molding each and every human being into the person that they want to be. It has definitely molded me into the woman I want to be, and it will continue to shape me.