Monday, May 3, 2010

What if? (14)

What if I were a dog? I would be a cute dog. (Only because I think all dogs are cute, especially when they are puppies!) How would I spend my day? Well if I were a house pet, I would hope that I had a family like our dogs do. Our dogs have the life. They don't do anything. They wake up, eat, sleep, play, sleep, wake up, eat, get love, sleep, get more love, and then the days over. They sleep where they want, they play when they want, they eat when they want. I mean that is the life! Their only worry is what they are going to do next. I would be able to play all the time, sleep most of the time, and get all the loving I could ask for. Dogs are a great part of my day, and if I were an animal, that is the animal I would choose to be. They cheer me up whenever I am down, and always make me smile. My dogs have the life! If I were a dog, I would want to be a big dog so I could defend myself. I'd probably want to be a Boxer like Bruno or a Chocolate Lab like Rolo. What if I weren't a dog, but I could be any animal? I don't know what I would choose. I love monkeys. They are so cute, and they play all the time. I also think it would be neat to be a lioness. I mean who doesn't want to be 'Queen' of the Jungle!? Being a Zebra would be cool, but I'd have to run better! If I weren't somewhere warm, I would pick to be a Penguin. They are the cutest animals ever! I definitely wouldn't be able to pick which animal to be, but it would be fun being an animal!

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