Sunday, April 25, 2010

What if? (9)

In the picture above, the red part hanging from his lip is his skin. He got in a fight with something and that is what happened. Also the blotch is from the fight to. Crazy dog.

What if Bruno wasn't so mischievous? My dog gets into everything. He is so curious about things that he shouldn't even try to mess with, like wasps. He chases them everywhere. Then he'll come in drooling because one stung him in the mouth. Then we have to dope him up on Benadryl. Then the swelling goes down, and he is back to normal. One Sunday I came home to a dog who was gushing blood from his nose and mouth. We jump in the car to get him to the emergency vet. On the way there, my mom is frantically driving while I sat in the back trying to control my dog. Blood is pouring everywhere. It is all over me, my back seat, my window. It just wasn't clotting. I didn't know what was going on. We get to the Emergency vet off Summer Ave, and they take him right back. We sit there for 2 and a half hours, the whole time I am covered in blood thinking that my dog is about to die. They call us back. As we walk back, the doctor says, "would you like to see what came out of your dog?" I'm thinking OH MY GOODNESS! So he takes us back to this kennel that has a huge pile of intestines and bile laying in it. Now I'm thinking, "Where the Heck is my Dog!?" In the kennel next to that, there is Bruno, standing there, SO excited to see us. So now the question is, WHAT is that? Well Bruno ate the insides of something on our land. In the process he cut open his nose and he got a big gash in his jowl from the rib cage. All the blood was partially his blood and partially the blood of the animal that he was trying to regurgitate. SOOOO gross! There are many other stories that I could tell, but the moral of the story is we frequently visit the Vet. I have to take a visit to see him Monday because Bruno got in a fight with something and the picture above shows what happened. He has cuts all in his mouth and the ones on the outside of his mouth. If Bruno was less mischievous, I wouldn't be so broke, but that wouldn't be Bruno. We love him just the way he is. He's now in the "Terrible Two" phase. Crap! =P

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