Friday, December 11, 2009

Outside Event # 4

I went to see Souvenir last night at Theatre Memphis off Southern. This play was very interesting. It was about a woman named Florence Foster Jenkins that was determined to sing even though she couldn't. A man named Cosme McMoon accompanied her when she would sing. He needed the money, and was actually kind of inspired that she had the heart to continue singing. Her saying was, "They may say I can't sing, but they'll never say I didn't." It was and inspiring story. It tells you to stick with what your heart is telling you to do, even when people are making fun of you. It was really cool to see literature in action, and see this play acted out. It was cool to see the way they had the room set up and how everyone reacted to the storyline. Each character did really good at their roles and they kept me interested. This helps me realize that when you love something you should stick with it, no matter what.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Outside Event #3

I went to see Lisa Patton at Davis Kidd Booksellers on Tuesday night. The atmosphere was nice. We were in the middle of the store, in a little spot with some chairs. Mrs. Lisa came around and introduced herself to the new comers and spoke to the others who have been to listen to her before. She read the prologue of her book. She brought the story to life. Each character of the short two page story had their own voice. Their own distinction. You could hear the emotion she gave to each character, how one was upset and scared, and the other was remorseful. It was really nice to listen to her, and the book seemed interesting. One lady asked if the novel was fiction, and she responded with "yes, mostly fiction, but most of the characters are based off true people." It was a very nice experience, especially seeing her friends in the audience who she talked about in the book. Everyone was so joyful. =]

Monday, December 7, 2009


I always struggle coming up with a third blog, so I'm going to ramble on about nothing at all. First of all, school, it went by way too fast. Even when it felt like it dragged on, looking back, it went really fast. It felt like as soon as I got the hang of it, it was over. Now we have exams and they are stressful. Even in the classes that we don't have exams, we have long papers that suck. I'll get them done though. Then it'll be time to relax and enjoy the family around the holidays. They will be different, but we are just going to have to change our tradition, and move on from there. I'm going to pick up some extra hours during the break and hopefully start to rebuild my bank account. =P. It'll go by fast, but I know that the spring will be just the same. My friends and family keep me strong, and we will make it. I can't wait to get to what I actually want to do with my life. =]. It will be awesome!


This past Wednesday, December 2nd, I wrecked my car. I was really upset, because I felt that it wasn't going to be able to be fixed. It was in horrible condition, and you could see parts of the car that you shouldn't have been able to see, like my water reservoir was down under my bumper and all that mess. It was not good. I was really worried. Today, I found out that my car WILL get fixed. AWESOME news! This information made my day and totally took a lot of stress from my mind. Now to focus on other things, like exams. Hopefully it won't take too long to fix my car, I just want them to get everything fixed right, so I won't have any ongoing problems from the wreck. =]]

The Moon

I love the moon. It's always so pretty out at night. Some nights it is just a bright shining ball of awesomeness and other nights it may be covered by the clouds. It's pretty all the time. When you can see it shining through the darkness, it's just incredible. I could sit outside and just stare into it forever. The moon is also enhanced by the stars. Living out in the country, you can really see the stars. When you can just sit outside and stare and kind of get lost in the mix of everything. Whereas if you lived in the city, you can't always see the glory of the sky. You wouldn't imagine some of the things you can come to realize as you sit and gaze into the wonders of the sky. It's really nice. =]]